Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about us and how we work. Get in touch if your question isn’t answered below.

At our offices or at your home, if you would prefer.

Yes, Gail is a Chartered Financial Planner.

Yes, we have free client parking outside our office.

No, the initial meeting is held at our expense.

Ideally, a completed questionnaire, details of any plans you currently hold and your photo driving licence or passport and a recent utility bill. However, if you just come with your ideas and questions, that is fine.

Approximately one hour.

No, there is no pressure to do so.

Call the office on 0191 8239140 or email

Yes. We are free to source the best products and funds to suit you and your requirements.

Yes, we are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority

No, we do not offer this service.


At Money Penny we work as a team, and there will always be someone who can help you if your usual planner is on holiday.

Our fees will depend upon the work involved. Your planner will discuss fees with you in detail and in advance of any fees falling due – no fees will be chargeable until they have been agreed.

Rarely and only on certain products – this will be discussed with you if it is an option along with the alternative.



Get in touch with us

We'd love to hear from you and explain all about our services over a cup of coffee. Get in touch today.

Money Penny Wealth Management Ltd
Cobalt 3.1
Silver Fox Way
Cobalt Business Park
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE27 0QJ